Getting Started with Motion Graphics – A Complete Guide for Beginners
Category - Learn About Adobe After Effect
In this blog, we will explore Motion Graphics, its role, and its importance in different industries such as film and post production industries.
Let’s First Understand What Motion Graphics is All About!
It is basically a type of 2D simulation that majorly composes text and graphics to communicate the essence and depth of the story to the viewer.
It works with digital graphics that are used in creating a digital sequence, which is known as a composition.
Editors use different graphics to combine with other digital objects or real footage that visually enhance a shot, scene, or sequence. Different graphics include digital objects that are both 2D and 3D, as well as, they can be still images, whereby the composter will create an illusion of movement.
Aspect Ratio
Most television programs are shot in 16:9, and many films are shot in 2.35:1, however, if a film is not natively shot in the same aspect ratio as its final product you can use motion graphics which includes the videos aspect ratio.
Low Cost
Motion graphics have been around for a number of decades and due to this, the cost has come down which encouraged a large number of Indie films to use using motion graphics through which they can create visual pieces that they would not be able to previously.
Work with both 2D & 3D Compositing
A compositor will use Adobe After Effects, to composite the objects into the scene, however, if 3D objects are used, an editor will use 3D software such as Cinema 4D, Maya, 3Ds Max, or any other relevant software that allows them to create, and animate 3D objects.
This will be done only when the editing and designing part is done. After this, the edited part will be then sent off to the compositor to place into the scene using After Effects. Typically motion graphics are created on a selection of software, however, each one depends on the editor individually.
Where is Motion Graphics Used?
Lets see!
In Opening Sequences of Videos
Motion graphics is commonly used in the opening sequences of films. Also, they can be made in completely different styles as well as portray different images. It is used in different films to represent the different style and narrative of the film.
News Channels for Showcasing News
Most news channels are using this art to show statistical information and to give some visual reference to the given information, for instance, this can be used in weather report segments. During the weather forecast, a 3D map can be shown on the screen with the camera moving from one country to another with light, shadow and some small animations to show rain, clouds, and storms.
If we have financial news then here, some simple 2D motion graphic can be used that shows statistics moving with a bar chart or graphs.
Used in Advertising or Branding
We have seen a huge demand for visual presentations in the last few years and this is gradually increasing. Visual graphics compositing allows products to be sold far easier than ever and helps in targeting the audience.
If the audience sees any video ad of any product which is full of title sequences and attractive product images then the conversion rate is most likely to increase. This is really an effective way to promote any brand since with the good visual presentation viewers start enjoying the program to a far greater extent and they start believing that the program is a high quality, large budget product, and this causes the audience to be more attentive on it.
We can say that in addition to increasing audience gratification, motion graphics has affected the media in such a way that the audience expects more from brands, and they have higher expectations from the products; bringing this back to the effect on the media.
All this makes a few things required for brands - Create shorter and better products with larger budgets and far greater narratives that are stronger than a piece of literature.
Thus, both used visual graphics and visual effects are used in different media at a high pace.
Don’t be perplexed between these two terms. Understand the real meanings of both of them.
Motion graphics and Visual Effects both aren’t Same
Motion Graphic – Art of making static graphics into motion or we can say animated visuals and text.
Visual Effects or VFX - Art of combining or compositing real clips or shots with imaginary clips generated through the computer to create a complete realistic scene.
There isn’t any doubt that motion graphics has drastically changed our views on presenting still image in a lot of ways. One of the key messages that have to be taken from motion graphics is that it allows the creator to deliver their message in the form of attractive visuals which couldn’t be possible with a simple text or motionless images. It allows creators to pull of far greater visual spectacles, and therefore achieve two things, aesthetic pleasure from the audience, and greater audience gratification.
It let the viewers see what they are being told, rather than having to imagine what it is like, such as in a book.
We can now understand that motion graphics have a large effect on different industries such as post production and media industry, and is used for a large sum of purposes.
Career Scope
Large number of technological advances are there which are introduced in recent years. All this has increased the demand of skilled motion graphics artists in the industry who can create stunning effects, remove objects from scenes, alter small effects, and composite visually stunning pieces of film and television in no time. Consequently, artists can earn at a very high scale.
For freshers who are not aware of the practical use of it, it is recommended to join any motion graphics training institute near you so that one can learn this art and jump into it.
To learn it like a real pro, go for Adobe After Effects which is a leading software of industry. Join After Effects Master course, a 2 months certificate motion graphic course, covering every tit and bit of After Effects.
Overall, we can say that without motion graphics, most of the media that we view today, would be at a much lower standard, and would most likely to not appeal to the large audiences that are gripped by digital mediums in the current scenario.
So, we can conclude that motion graphics is one of the most important parts of the film and post production industry and it will have a great existence in the upcoming years.
We hope that this blog was able to provide you a clear guide to motion graphics and do leave your views in the comment section given below.