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After Effects Quiz for Beginners

This quiz helps us to increase our knowledge

1 / 20

After Effects is a digital motion graphics and compositing software published by ________.

2 / 20

A RAM preview allocates enough RAM to play the preview (without audio) as fast as the system allows, up to the frame rate of the composition.

3 / 20

Use the keyboard shortcut Shift+Ctrl+D to duplicate the layer quickly.

4 / 20

Alt+Shift+, is shortkey of

5 / 20

You may need to click a blank area of the Timeline panel or press F4 to deselect layers before you can select an individual layer.

6 / 20

Option-drag footage item from Project panel onto selected layer Replace source for a selected layer.

7 / 20

Which property captures the CTI value?

8 / 20

______________ are Essentially independent timeliness

9 / 20

Adobe After Effects is primarily used for creating motion graphics and visual effects.

10 / 20

Which keys use set beginning or end of work area to current time?

11 / 20

Maxon's CINEMA 4D is known for its ease of use, plugins such as MoGraph and integration with Adobe After Effects.

12 / 20

A shape layer is simply a layer that contains a vector graphic called a shape.

13 / 20

Color is an array of 4 values. What is the order?

14 / 20

Reveal Properties with keyframes

15 / 20

Which kye use go forward 1 frame?

16 / 20

What "view" will After Effects render out?

17 / 20

You can save custom workspaces by choosing Window > View > Workspace > New Workspace.

18 / 20

Double-click an empty area of the Project panel to open the Import File dialog box.

19 / 20

Which key use maximize or restore panel under pointer?

20 / 20

Layers are the components you use to build a group?

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